Beginner or newer to yoga?


We’re glad you’re here! It all begins with that first step, and only takes that first class to open the door to the freedom that yoga offers. Starting something new means stepping out of your comfort zone, but once you do you open a whole new world. SoulWorks has an array of classes suitable for beginners or people returning the their mats.

Anywhere you see a Gentle class or a Yin class on our schedule, those would be the perfect starting point. We have extra mats for you to borrow if you don’t have your own & the studio provides any props you may need to facilitate your practice! Blocks, Blankets, Bolsters, whatever you need!

I encourage you not to be nervous, I can assure you our community of students and teachers are warm and supportive!

If you’re still looking for more information please read our blog post on being confident on your mat

Remember, comparison is the thief of joy!


Intermediate Yogi